Sunday, December 21, 2008

First Post

So I have decided to try my hand at this Blogging thing. After reafing my friend Kiriths blog for a long time I'm throwing my hat in the ring. His blog can be found here while I wont pretend to have the blogging skills of Kirith I will do my best.

I've been playing EVE on and off now for about 3 years andI am on my third toon, I made the mistake of selling off my first two toons Xiao Jia and Mushiashi Miyamato. Im on my third tooon now and I'm fianlly starting to feel like I have a chived some semblance of wht I had skillwise with my previous toons. I am just now hitting 12 million SP and have opened a whole new pathway in the types of ships I can pilot and pilot well.

I had a recent addition to my hangar a shiny new Munin, it tookme about two weeks to figure out what type of fitting I wanted to use. Try as I might I just couldent get myslef to set it up for close range combat, so I've stepped nto the realm of Sniper ships, which is a completley new realm for me.
My other recent purcahse was a Malestrom, another ship I'll be using a sniper setup on.