Sunday, February 15, 2009

Crap in a hat

Well things have gotten pretty interesting recently in EVE, an old friend Nhi'Khuna has joined M3 Corp, and another old friend Xreed238 will be joining us as well. It appears tha the defunct Strife Mercanaries has found a new home, I wonder if any more old friends will be showing up, Seven Six, Minessis, or Klastrit?

I logged in last night and attempted to join a corp OP in 0.0 and Comcast decided my flight into 0.0 would be canceled mid flight...Aghhhh, the interweb was inacessible all night...:(
I logged in today to find my self in my pod in PLACID!!!!!!! dammit I lost my Hound and my implants..a well C'est La Vie right.

So far I am really likeing M3 they are good bunch to fly and hang out with.

I'll add more later, I'm finishing my final projects today.